

Want to file a report, find out how to…

What is whistleblowing.

The term whistleblowing means a report (anonymous or confidential) by a person authorized pursuant to Legislative Decree. 24/2023.
The whistleblowing discipline offers a safe and confidential channel to report potential behavior in conflict with current legislation, guaranteeing confidentiality and anonymity.
Whistleblowing is a fundamental element for maintaining high standards of corporate conduct and for contributing to the construction of a healthy, ethical, transparent and respectful working environment.
Each report will be carefully evaluated and addressed with the utmost seriousness in order to preserve trust in the organization and the owners and the company values.
Thank you for your contribution.


Instructions on reporting methods and Privacy Policy.

Before making a report, read how and what you can report #  Bottone_frecciadx

To manage the reports received, we will process the data provided by you in the manner required by the GDPR:
If you are a reporter click here #  Bottone_frecciadx

If you are a person involved in a report click here #  Bottone_frecciadx

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