Non-financial reporting by Diachem S.p.A
Diachem S.p.A. pays great attention to the ethical aspects of the company and considers sustainability as a fundamental element in the development of its operations.
Diachem S.p.A. has therefore decided to draw up its first 2021 Sustainability Report, in order to encourage both internal and external engagement on the subject and to increase the dissemination capacity in the field of sustainability.
Throught a challenging process of analysis, we arrived at the identification:
- of the aspects that reflect the most significant economic, environmental and social impacts for Diachem S.p.A., in consideration of the outstanding stakeholders,
- of all the interesting sustainability issues for the organization: «Product quality and safety», «Sustainable product innovation», «Health and safety at work», «Economic perfomance», «Responsible waste management» and «Inclusion, development and well-being of employees»;
thus enabling targeted sustainability reporting and the identification and prioritisation of any future development areas, taking into account the expectations of the different stakeholders.
The Sustainability Report is available to the public, only in italian language, by making a written request to the e-mail address: