Organisational Model
(Legislative Decree 231/2001 and subsequent amendments and additions)
Diachem S.p.A. pays great attention to the ethical aspects of the company and considers legality and fairness as essential conditions for carrying out its business.
The Company intends to transform the knowledge and appreciation of the ethical values to which it conforms into a competitive advantage, values that must not remain formally enunciated, but must be operationally translated into conduct and behavior on the part of all recipients.
Diachem S.p.A. has therefore decided to adopt its own Code of Ethics and conduct (Download here ) from 2022 in order to share and confirm in a document the principles of correctness, loyalty, integrity and transparency of conduct, of the way of operating and of the conduct of relations, both internally and towards third parties.
The provisions contained in the Code of Ethics integrate the behavior that the recipients are required to observe by virtue of the laws and regulations in force and the obligations established by collective bargaining.
In no way is the conviction of acting for the benefit of Diachem S.p.A. can justify the adoption of behaviors in contrast with these principles,